UWaterloo Geometry and Topology Seminar

Geometry and Topology Research Group
Jan 2023- August 2023, 2:30pm-3:30pm, Thursday, MC 5417

Date & Time Speaker Title Host
Jan 12 Siyuan Lu (McMaster University) On the regularity of Lagrangian phase equation Spiro
Feb 2 Michael Albanese (University of Waterloo) Spinh and further generalisations of spin Local
Feb 9 Rasul Shafikov (Western University) Lagrangian embeddings, rational convexity, and approximation Ruxandra
Feb 16 Thomas Brazelton (University of Pennsylvania) Equivariant enumerative geometry Changho (Online)
Feb 23 Reading Week
Feb 28 (1:30pm-2:30pm Tuesday MC 5403) Javier González Anaya (University of California at Riverside) Blow-ups of weighted projective planes at a point: Exploring the parameter space of triangles and the MDS property Matthew
March 2 Scott Wilson (City University of New York) Homotopical obstructions to the existence of certain complex structures on smooth manifolds Spiro
March 9 Luca Di Cerbo (University of Florida) Complex structures on 4-manifolds Michael, Benoit
March 16 Lisa Marquand (Stony Brook University) Symplectic Birational Involutions of manifolds of OG10 type Michael, Benoit
March 23 Alexander Yampolsky (Kharkiv National University) Some aspects of geometry of unit vector fields Local
March 30 Aleksandar Milivojevic (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Bonn) Topological aspects of almost complex structures on the six sphere Michael, Xuemiao
April 6 Andrei Teleman (Aix-Marseille University) Moduli spaces of holomorphic bundles framed along a real hypersurface Ruxandra, Xuemiao (Online)
April 13 Gwyneth Moreland (Harvard University) Nef and effective cones of the Hilbert scheme of 3 points in P3 Changho, David
April 17 (1:30pm-2:30pm Monday MC 5417) Nikon Kurnosov (University College London) Holomorphic symplectic manifolds: IHS vs BG-manifolds Ruxandra
April 20 (1:00pm-2:00pm Thursday MC5417) Andriy Haydys (Free University of Brussels) What does the Alexander polynomial know about flat PSL(2,C)-connections? Spiro, Xuemiao
April 20 Jun-Yong(June) Park (University of Melbourne) Height moduli on algebraic stacks and counting families of varieties Matthew
April 27 Steve Rayan (University of Saskatchewan) Resolutions of finite quotient singularities and quiver varieties Ruxandra
May 18 (2:30pm-3:30pm Thursday MC5479) Lorenzo Fatibene (University of Torino) Spin frames vs spin structures: A framework for Dirac fields in interaction with gravity Spiro
June 29 Jesse Madnick (University of Oregon) Cohomogeneity-One Lagrangian Mean Curvature Flow Spiro

Our seminar is held regularly in the Fall and Winter terms (September-April) including some special talks in the Spring term (May-August).
The webpage is maintained by Xuemiao Chen. If you have any questions, please email me.